
Ritual slaughter as well as the first steps of the production chain (cutting, boning, etc.) require a great number of precautions and controls to prepare the meat for processing or packaging. The ARGML attaches particular importance to these upstream phases because they are decisive for applying a valid and reliable halal certification for consumers.

Beef and veal

“The ARGML halal control protocol for beef is governed by the ARGML Halal Hygiene and Quality Charter. Permanent control at all stages from slaughter to final packaging; ritual sacrifice guaranteed without ante- or post-mortem stunning.

Sheep meat

Permanent control of the ritual slaughter (guaranteed without stunning), to the final packaging… The ARGML also takes care of the particular conditions required for the periods of religious celebrations (Eid el Adha)


In a particular industrial context, the ARGML has been able to set up very strict procedures of control and halal certification for poultry, guaranteeing the respect of the ritual.

What is electronarcosis?

Electronarcosis is a process of anaesthetization of poultry for slaughter. It consists in using a basin of slightly electrified water in which the poultry hanging on the chain passes before the slaughtering station.

Halal news in France and in the World

What is “haram”?

Harām (حرام, harām) is an Arabic adjective that in Islam describes anything that is "forbidden, inviolable, sacred" according to sharia law. In its ambiguity, it corresponds most closely to the concept of taboo in German. The opposite of harām is halāl (حلال), which...


ARGML, 146 Boulevard Pinel 69008 Lyon


+33 (0)4 78 78 18 05



Opening hours (UTC/GMT +1)

Mon – Fri : 9am – 5pm

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