
Entrepreneurs and chefs are concerned about the quality of culinary service they provide to consumers. They delegate the responsibility for halal to the ARGML.

Enjoy the best dishes in your favorite restaurants with peace of mind. The ARGML has set up the halal certification for restaurants.

Fast-food restaurants

Snacks, kebab restaurants, pizzerias, burgers, … the ARGML accompanies all the fast-food restaurants, independent or chains of franchises, to bring them the best service of halal certification

Semi-gastronomic restaurants, world cuisine

Gourmet restaurants, starred chefs, world cuisine, theme restaurants… ARGML brings you its expertise in halal certification, to guarantee your customers the best service.

Halal news in France and in the World

What is “haram”?

Harām (حرام, harām) is an Arabic adjective that in Islam describes anything that is "forbidden, inviolable, sacred" according to sharia law. In its ambiguity, it corresponds most closely to the concept of taboo in German. The opposite of harām is halāl (حلال), which...


ARGML, 146 Boulevard Pinel 69008 Lyon


+33 (0)4 78 78 18 05


argml @ mosquee-lyon.org

Opening hours (UTC/GMT +1)

Mon – Fri : 9am – 5pm

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