Under the strict control of the Grand Mosque of Lyon

ARGML, Your halal guarantee

Men and women who work daily to allow you to consume halal serenely.

Consumer Guide

Enter the world of halal.
Understand everything, to consume serenely.

Halal certification

What is halal certification?
How does the ARGML operate?

“At all stages of the halal production chain, our controllers are present and ensure that the products comply with Islamic requirements.”

Apply for ARGML halal certification

The application for certification is made directly online in a few minutes via our form.

They chose the ARGML

Many brands trust us, to bring the best Halal guarantee to their consumers, among them

We certify each step of the production chain

It is for us the way to guarantee to the consumers that the products are Halal

The slaughter

Procedures for ritual slaughter of animals and cutting

The transformation

The processing of meat and all agri-food products, the development and manufacture of cosmetic products

The distribution

We certify butcher shops, restaurants and supermarket products

How to consume Halal ?

To consume halal well is to be informed but also to know your rights and means of action as a consumer.

Vigilance and requirement are two essential principles for the halal guarantee of your food.

Production traceability control

Azdine and Fares, Ritual Controllers. Site Bernard Royal Dauphiné, Grâne (26)

Product control in restaurants

Ali, Ritual Controller. Restaurant Quick, Villeurbanne (69)

Labelling of halal certified products ARGML.

Azdine, ARGML controller, and the operators. Bernard Royal Dauphiné site, Grâne (26)

Wassila, a brand certified halal by the ARGML.

Verification of ARGML halal stamps on beef carcasses.

Ramdane, Ritual Controller, and Kamal, Quality and Scheduling Manager. CIBEVIAL slaughterhouse Corbas (69)

Stamped ARGML on the giblets.

CIBEVIAL slaughterhouse, Corbas (69)

ARGML halal stamp.

CIBEVIAL slaughterhouse, Corbas (69)

Ramdane, Ritual Controller

20 years of experience serving the Muslim community. CIBEVIAL slaughterhouse, Corbas (69)

Halal identification of beef carcasses after ritual sacrifice, under the control of the ARGML.

Ali, Ritual Controller.

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Fares, Ritual Controller.

Bernard Royal Dauphiné, Grâne (26)

Halal identification of poultry cuts.

Azdine, Ritual Controller. Bernard Royal Dauphiné, Grâne (26)

Halal ritual sacrifice of poultry. Handmade, in the purest Muslim tradition.

Ritual sacrificers, Bernard Royal Dauphiné, Grâne (26).

Halal identification of poultry cuts.

Halal ritual sacrifice of poultry. Handmade in the purest Muslim tradition.

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Quality control of hygiene at the ritual sacrifice station.

Bold and Contemporary Design Studio

Residential and Commercial

Product validation

Mohamed, Ritual Controller. SIte Crystal, Neulise (42)

The advantages of Halal Certification

Certified products also mean more transparency, quality and satisfied consumers.


Reassure the consumer

The ARGML halal certification checks at every stage that the production process complies with Islamic requirements.


Seizing new opportunities

Respond to the demand for a halal guarantee from many consumers.


Opening up to international markets

Strengthen its position and broaden its scope with certified products.


Affirming an ethic

More than a simple mention on a product, the halal certification is a commitment of respect towards the Muslim consumer.

New certified restaurants


232 Av. de la Marne, 33700 Mérignac
Open 7 days a week from 11am to 11pm
05 56 97 87 82


252 Av. du 8 Mai 1945 Parking Auchan
86000 Poitiers
05 49 11 93 43

Take-out & drive: 11:00 to 21:00


111 Av. Robert Schumann, 10000 Troyes
Phone: 03 25 80 17 77
Open 7 days a week from 11:00 to 23:00

The ARGML is internationally recognized

The ARGML benefits from official accreditations of several foreign countries which enable it as a reference organization for the control and the Halal certification of exported products.

Halal news in France and in the World

What is “haram”?

Harām (حرام, harām) is an Arabic adjective that in Islam describes anything that is "forbidden, inviolable, sacred" according to sharia law. In its ambiguity, it corresponds most closely to the concept of taboo in German. The opposite of harām is halāl (حلال), which...

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ARGML, 146 Boulevard Pinel 69008 Lyon


+33 (0)4 78 78 18 05


argml @ mosquee-lyon.org

Opening hours (UTC/GMT +1)

Mon – Fri : 9am – 5pm

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