Halal news in France and in the world
How many Iftar meals can we prepare and distribute in one day of Ramadan? 2100 meals!!! đ
Record beaten🏆: 2100 hot meals of #iftar (breaking of the fast) in one day! prepared and distributed on the eve of the 27th day of the month of #Ramadan, as part of the operation "#ChorbaduCœur"❤️, organized by The Great Mosque of Lyon, in...
What is “haram”?
Harām (حرام, harām) is an Arabic adjective that in Islam describes anything that is "forbidden, inviolable, sacred" according to sharia law. In its ambiguity, it corresponds most closely to the concept of taboo in German. The opposite...
What is electronarcosis?
Electronarcosis is a process of anaesthetization of poultry for slaughter. It consists in using a basin of slightly electrified water in which the poultry hanging on the chain passes before the slaughtering station.
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