
The products certified Halal by the ARGML are accessible in a majority of signs (large surfaces, shops of proximity…) to allow each one to be able to count on a reliable and sure certification.

The ARGML is the first certification body in the GMS

Attention, all halal products of these brands are not certified by the ARGML, only the products bearing the ARGML logo are certified

The entire halal certification process implemented by the ARGML is subject to rigorous control. Our ritual inspectors may have to refuse to validate certain productions for non-conformity. It is our religious responsibility. Since our inspectors work in complete independence from the industry for their ritual inspection mission, their decision cannot be influenced by a factory manager.


The commitments of the ARGML

The commitments of the ARGML


ARGML controllers are required to ensure compliance with all applicable regulations in order to satisfy consumer expectations.

Permanent control

At all stages of production, ARGML controllers ensure that procedures are respected.

Respect for the strictest Islamic principles

To allow the Muslim community to have access to reliable foodstuffs, produced according to the rituals inscribed in the holy texts.

Professionalism, quality, rigor

Qualified professionals, capable of evolving in an increasingly complex food industry context.

Transparency, information

The ARGML acts on a daily basis to guide consumers and inform them about the regulated production processes of halal certification.

Under the moral responsibility of the Great Mosque of Lyon

The ARGML is an association created in 1995 by the Great Mosque of Lyon, in order to allow Muslim consumers to have access to products in accordance with their religious ethics. Its headquarters are based in Lyon, within the walls of the Great Mosque.

Halal news in France and in the World

What is “haram”?

Harām (حرام, harām) is an Arabic adjective that in Islam describes anything that is "forbidden, inviolable, sacred" according to sharia law. In its ambiguity, it corresponds most closely to the concept of taboo in German. The opposite of harām is halāl (حلال), which...


ARGML, 146 Boulevard Pinel 69008 Lyon


+33 (0)4 78 78 18 05


argml @ mosquee-lyon.org

Opening hours (UTC/GMT +1)

Mon – Fri : 9am – 5pm

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