
General information

As a retail professional, Groupe Casino pays particular attention to consumer expectations. It is in this optic that Casino develops an offer in halal products, to answer a growing demand in halal products, particularly in meat or with halal meat.

Les Produits de la marque Wassila

Beef meat

Beef Burgers x10

Beef meatballs

Chopped steaks x10


Whole chicken Yellow

Whole white chicken

White chicken legs x6

Yellow Chicken Legs x6

Yellow chicken legs x2

White chicken legs x2

Yellow Chicken Fillet x6

White Chicken Fillet x6

Yellow Chicken Fillet x2

White Chicken Fillet x2

Yellow Chicken Wings x16

White Chicken Wings x16

Prepared dishes

Bolognese sauce



The Halal guarantee

How to consume Halal ?

To consume halal well is to be informed but also to know your rights and means of action as a consumer.

Vigilance and requirement are two essential principles for the halal guarantee of your food.


ARGML, 146 Boulevard Pinel 69008 Lyon


+33 (0)4 78 78 18 05


argml @ mosquee-lyon.org

Opening hours (UTC/GMT +1)

Mon – Fri : 9am – 5pm

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