
General information

ITAL’AL is a brand of the designer distributor of exotic and ethnic products asia food co, Ital’al is a brand that produces ready meals certified Halal by the ARGML

Les Produits de la marque Italal

Halal Pizza Bolognese 400g

Pizza Royale Halal 400g

Pizza Kebab Halal 380g

Panini Mexicano Toast 200g

Panini Tartiflette Toasts 200g


For more than 20 years, Bernard Royal Dauphiné has decided to offer Muslim consumers the best poultry from the Drôme region, by joining forces with the ARGML, the international reference in halal certification, in order to provide the best halal guarantee to the consumer.

Jean-Luc ALNET, Directeur Général


The Halal guarantee

How to consume Halal ?

To consume halal well is to be informed but also to know your rights and means of action as a consumer.

Vigilance and requirement are two essential principles for the halal guarantee of your food.


ARGML, 146 Boulevard Pinel 69008 Lyon


+33 (0)4 78 78 18 05


argml @

Opening hours (UTC/GMT +1)

Mon – Fri : 9am – 5pm

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